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a stepmom s touch: next to stepdad - immeganlive

We were all watching a movie together in the living when my husband fell in the arms of Morpheus. I really loved how sneaky it was last time in the bathroom with my stepson, so I wanted to do something similar, but even riskier! So I started to grab my stepson s cock and made him hard. We both got super excited, but we had to be quiet! I was cheating right beside him! I had a surprise, I went and grab a brand new pair of knit gloves I got and started to tease and stroke his cock with them. Pulled out my boobs, grabbed his hand and put it on them to squeeze and play with them while I was jerking him off. We re so lucky my husband was snoring, we knew he was still out, but we were scared the whole time that he d caught us! It ended with a fireworks of cum, a memorable movie night! *** Don t miss on the other A STEPMOM S TOUCH stories: ***
Tags : milf, handjob, homemade, POV, mom, cheating, housewife, gloves, mommy, roleplay, taboo, dirty-talk, cfnm, kink, risky, sneaky, stepmom, boo

  • 00:15:34
  • Jan 03, 2022
  • 119


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