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hot legs and hotter feet: luscious pov foot fetish

Nikki Waine and Lauro Giotto can’t wait to show off their brand new POV masterpiece. DDF Network delivers Full HD quality in today’s Hot Legs and Feet episode. Watch Lauro filming POV style while enjoying Nikki’s endless legs and hot tootsies. Right after she wakes up in the morning, his morning glory is eager to getting that hardcore foot massage. Lauro pulls out his long john and Nikki presses her soles around his shaft while he bangs her nasty feet! The kinky couple has a day off and wants to get all dirty in front of their DSLR cam. That luscious foot fetish goddess knows what to do and while massaging her clit and wet snatch, he crams her soles with his hard dick.Nikki rubs his foreskin back and forwards, over and over again. She gives him some dirty looks and licks her hot lips while playing with her natural tits. Her nipples get all hard when she sees his helmet popping out of his foreskin. Lauro’s cock slides in and out her feet before he blows a huge load of cum all over Nikki’s calves, feet, ankles, and toes!

  • 00:14:34
  • Nov 29, 2015
  • 222


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