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public wedgies vol. 5 - immeganlive

It s been so long since the last time he humiliated me like that in public. I owed him a favor, what he asked stunned me! He asked me to wear fuzzy socks and slippers along with ugly and stretchy panties and go shopping with him. I had no choice, I owed him. So we went shopping and my nightmare started all over again. I was walking in front of him while shopping and he was giving me two hands wedgies one after the other...and in front of people watching! He didn t care! I did care! I was so embarrassed! I kept telling him how much I was humiliated in front of everybody. It was enough to see all the looks toward me because of what I was wearing in my feet, but when they saw me get wedgies, it was too much. I even dropped many items and had to pick them up with my panties showing. Worst, he only gave me the hardest and strongest wediges he could give, I was lifting off the floor every time. My butt crack even almost sliced in half a couple of times!!
Tags : ass, butt, POV, submissive,

  • 00:12:38
  • Jan 03, 2022
  • 120


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