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cumming on milf titties (with alana cruise) - joi

Your step-mom s friend is waiting for her and she is chatting you up. She asks you about how you like college and she suspects that you probably are very popular with the girls. Alana asks if you have ever been with an older woman before. You have not, but Alana would be a good place to start. She could teach you many things. Alana notices the growing bulge in your pants and she asks you to take your dick out for her. She likes what she sees and she wants you to get your dick totally hard. This MILF is practically salivating over you and she shows you her tits. Then she slides her panties to the side and you see her hairy bush. You rarely see bush on girls your age, but you really like her hairy pussy. Alana encourages you to stroke yourself as she continues to tease you before you cum all over her pretty MILF tits.

  • 00:07:48
  • Oct 25, 2023
  • 84


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