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obedient delivery: lesbian domina educates submissive teen

Alexa Tomas wears a black latex dress with some sheer parts around her chest. This allows us to catch a glimpse at her amazing natural tits and the mini skirt takes our away. What a wonderfully tones and attractive body! But wait, somehow she looks a bit unsatisfied. Alexa plays with a black leather whip while shes awaiting a delivery. The wonderful brunette Latina, gives our DDF Network cameras some deductive but dangerous looks with her brown eyes while sitting on her bed. She walks into the hallway and finds her delivery, sitting in front of her apartment door.Milena Devi is kneeling on the hardwood floor. The young blonde teenagers wrists are bound and when Alexa finds her submissive package awaiting her evil welcome treatment, she crams the Russians mouth with her whip. The dominant fetish goddess then slaps her subs small tits and hard nipples while tearing her hair. Next, she spits into the gaping mouth and stuffs a black gagball into Milenas mouth. After twisting her nippl

  • 00:31:03
  • Sep 16, 2015
  • 572


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