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jerk it hard if you want to fuck aj and her friends

AJ was asked to come to your house because she heard that you have the biggest cock at school. She has been tasked with determining if this is actually the case. She wants you to take out your cock and start working on it for her. If you really put on a good show, you will get to fuck AJ and all of her girlfriends. That sounds like supreme motivation and your dick instantly responds. AJ pulls down her top and shows off her very perky titties and you see that her nipples are erect. As your hand manipulates your hard dick, you wonder how you got so lucky today? Never mind. Just keep stroking that cock for pretty AJ. Ooohhh, is that precum leaking out of the tip of your cock? She loves that! Would seeing her pussy help you through this? You might get to fuck her, so you really are curious about what it looks like. She is hairless with fleshy pussy lips. You nearly lose your load when she turns around. Her fat ass is just what you like. It looks smooth and you hope that you will soon get to see it in the air as you fuck her pussy. You briefly think that your cum load would look perfect dripping off of those fat ass cheeks, but AJ wants your cum on her tiny titties. You pick up the pace till you finally let your jizz go on her titties. AJ thinks that you might have what it takes to have her and her friends.

  • 00:08:28
  • Jul 07, 2023
  • 208


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