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nautica s big bubble butt.....

Oh hell ya! That chick Nautica was amazing! She had one of those thick black chick booties. What an ass on this girl. Jarrod laid that pipe. He put it on that girl. This girl was a nympho man. We met her going into some underground strip club/ swingers bar/ orgy party place. We didn t actually go in but there are a lot of places like that one in Miami and it s a great place to meet a freaky girl like Nautica. That girl liked the money but to be honest I think if I would have sweet talked her a bit more she would have done it for free. She was just in it for the sexual good time. For the most part anyway! So speaking about sexual. Sex with this girl was great. She was feeling my boy Blumkin. He hit it man. This girls tits were great too. I felt a bit guilty leaving her on the side of the road. I must say it was a classic. She was bitching because we were smoking in the car and she wanted some fresh air. I m sure she got plenty of fresh air walking back to her car. It was about ten miles. Check her out in the trailer. You ll love what you see. Enjoy! -Sanchez

  • 00:00:00
  • Dec 26, 2006
  • 120


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