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summer solo lovin - pantie sniffing milf s garden romp

Little Miss exhibitionist, Vicky Love has brought her gold plated magic wand on a little excursion on today s 1By-Day, and we ve sneakily followed her along to the park to spy on what she s about to get up to. The summer lovin she dives into might have you dashing out the door with your picnic blanket and binoculars in hand, hoping to come upon a similar sexy solo scenario, so get ready!The black haired pantie sniffing pornstar is at first casually strolling through the garden seemingly demurely and innocently enough, but then suddenly her crop top falls to her waistline and her mini-skirt drops down, and as her striptease begins, you might find yourself dropping trou, too!The green eyed beauty uses her g-string at first to arouse her pink slit, but when that s no longer doing the trick she whips out her gold vibrating stick, kicks it into high gear, and shoves it up into her trimmed pussy for pussy insertion. Don t miss it as this milf takes a break from her for some x-rated outdoor

  • 00:28:46
  • Sep 27, 2016
  • 234


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