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stepmom fucks away his virginity

Connor is about to start college but his step dad is really concern about him still being a virgin, so he has an idea, what if his new wife can give Connor some tricks? At first, Connor is reluctant but he agrees, he considers his new mom hot and he is into her. So step dad talks to Ava, his wife and she agrees to have sex with Connor, after all, is everything for the family.
When Connor and his step dad come to the bedroom Ava is waiting for them in sexy lingerie, once everything is set, step Dad leaves and Ava takes care of Connor, she starts rubbing his cock until he gets hard as a rock to give him a proper bj, then she makes him fuck her in different positions all over her bed until finally, he cums all over her face.

  • 00:40:12
  • Dec 05, 2018
  • 1767


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