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clean and virus safe handjob by naughty adeline

Due to the coronavirus pandemic I have to keep my hands clean of the COVID-19 virus before I touch anything, including your dick. So I’m washing my hands with soap and get them clean and virus safe before I give you a handjob. I also wear a mask so you can be absolutely sure that there will be no corona virus infection risk. I’m jerking off your dick while I’m telling you that you are safe and my hands are clean and there is no covid19 or any other virus that you have to worry about. You should relax and let me take care of you. I’m stroking your hard cock until you cum on my mask. You are safe and relaxed now. Clip is fully POV and cumshot is repeated in slow motion. Pro Tip: Wash and keep your hands clean, even when you masturbate! #StaySafe
Tags : cumshot, cum, blonde, milf, handjob, skinny, mask, face, green-eyes, point-of-view, jerking-off, face-mask, surgical-mask, coronavirus, corona-virus, covid19, covid-19, naughty-adeline

  • 00:05:26
  • Jun 30, 2021
  • 31


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