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a solo fingering affair - lovin in the livingroom

Lydia Lust s name says it all! Her solo show where she masturbates that sweet slit of hers, and makes us feel like we re right there between those buns of hers is one that will certainly leave you lusting for more of this brunette babe!In the livingroom is where she chooses to do her thing, and she takes full advantage of the space and furnishings to give us the most intimate views of her doing the deed! The Canadian stunner looks irresistible in her pink frock but that sweet summer dress is not to stay on for long. The college girl teases us with a striptease and our mouths are left agape at the sight of her perky small ass and sweet little natural tits.Her shaved pussy as asking to be probed, and with pink lips as perfect as hers, who could deny it it s born right to be pleased?! You don t want to miss it as she obeys the demands of her box and gives herself a standing orgasm worthy of a standing ovation!

  • 00:22:48
  • May 03, 2016
  • 246


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