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dominant education: strict teacher humiliates submissive student

Have you ever experienced some sort of dominant education? Today, the strict but hot teacher Kayla Green humiliates her submissive student named Rebecca Volpetti. The brunette babe with brown eyes wears a school uniform and tries to figure out her homework, when dominatrix Kayla decides to spank her tight and curvy ass. She slides her mini-skirt up and smashes her book all over her butt cheeks until they blush deep red. She opens her white blouse and starts pulling her tie while slapping her young teenager pussy with a ruler. Then, the young student bends forward and gets her wrists tied together. Kayla stuffs an anal dildo into her mouth and spanks her naked butt with her bare hands. She makes her submissive student suck a flesh-colored dildo before cramming her tight anus with that sex toy! Finally, Mistress Green spreads her legs wide apart and stuffs Rebecca’s face between her thighs. The young girl licks her teacher’s pussy and helps her reach her orgasm before that hot milf’s dominant education continues.

  • 00:17:12
  • May 31, 2017
  • 421


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