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gentle strokes: leggy babes lick their sexy feet & toes

Today’s Hot Legs & Feet premium foot fetish porn scene by DDF Network invites you to observe our two absolutely stunning babes Stella Cox and Luna Corazon as they lick their sexy feet and tasty toes! Stella works as a server and notices some spills on Luna’s breath-taking endless legs. She wipes her clean and takes off her open high heels, as she notices some horniness rising inside her beautiful body. Within seconds, Stella starts sucking Luna’s toes and looks her straight in the eye while licking and sucking her beautiful black feet. Luna starts moaning and enjoys her tongue on her clit, then returns the favor with some gentle strokes along Stella’s gorgeous calves. The lesbian foot fetish lovers enjoy some sensual moments of toe licking before the brunette babe slides her big toe under Stella’s red panties. This cock-hardening foot fetish porn heats up as both babes slowly take off their clothes and end up on the hardwood floor, sticking their toes in their pussies and licking their foot soles. Luna’s incredible tits look so inviting, Stella can’t resist and starts sucking her toes while enjoying her hard nipples. Finally, both babes reach their climaxes by rubbing their heels against their clits while sliding their toes into each other’s wet box!

  • 00:23:37
  • May 15, 2017
  • 330


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