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abdl nursery sushii makes you into diapered wittle one

You wake up inside a huge.... adult sized crib!? You realize your arms are tied to the crib & there s a really hot girl rushing over to you & checking on you. Uh oh... you realize really fast she s taken you for her own personal reasons... to treat you like a wittle helpless BB. First, she needs to get you diapered because you ll be locked in the crib for awhile & you can t be pottying on her furniture... besides that s what helpless wittle ones are supposed to have on. She excitedly diapers you while you protest. She shows you all the things about your new life, like the big high chair you ll be in, she uses a huge bottle to feed you, shows you all the cute BB clothing she ll dress you in. But first... just get used to wetting your diaper & she s going to leave you while you nap in the crib, hehe. Just a nice innocent sweet adoring lady who s going to love you forever whether you like it or not

  • 00:11:10
  • Jul 20, 2023
  • 159


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