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jason collins and the football player

Mr. Smith and I went to university together and he was the best lineman on our football team. He happened to be in town this weekend and we ran into each other, he confessed that he always had a crush on me. We decided to go back to his hotel room for some pretty steamy sex. Includes lots of kissing, making out, body contact, him going down on me, me fucking him at the edge of the bed, in doggy, on his side, and several variations of missionary.

Tags : anal, blowjob, tattoo, hairy, kissing, gay, bodybuilder, muscle, dom, daddy, bear, uncut, biker, big-dick, alpha, huge-cock, bwc, muscle-worship, jason-collins, masculinejason

  • 00:22:49
  • Jun 19, 2022
  • 74


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