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the temptress

The Temptress, Starring Alyssia Kent in VR is a ravishing experience with one of the fastest rising VR Pornstars from Europe. Her tight little body clad in silken white robe and pearls, all wrapped in libido blasting lingerie that can barely contain her desire for you in this VRPorn episode of our new DDFNetwork series - SeductressVR.Let your mind drift into the abyss of wanton passion as she erotically striptease dances for you to her favorite song, making sure you re hard as a rock for the moment that she lets you enter her love. You stare deep into her eyes as she fills her mouth with your cock, and begs for you to fuck her.Have your mind blown by her presence in 3D 4K Virtual Reality as she talks dirty to you, her naughty words captured in 360 degree Binaural sound as she rides you Hard to Orgasm,and the juices of her luscious pussy create a symphony of sounds as they soak your balls with her coconut cum.We hope you have your VR Gear ready to go, If not, trust us when we say.. VR

  • 00:40:09
  • Aug 28, 2018
  • 277


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