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jodi taylor - a special stepfather s day surprise

Jodi Taylor - A Special StepFather s Day Surprise: Every year, my stepdaughter and my wife get me some cheesy tie for StepDad s Day. But with my wife out of town for this year s special day, so Jodi has decided to take the gift giving into her own hands. I find her sprawled out on my bed, wearing nothing but one of my work shirts and a tie. She tells me how badly she s been wanting to do this, and her StepMom being gone is the perfect time. She slowly strips and teases me, showing off her gorgeous young body. Then she starts playing with her pussy, never taking her eyes off of me. After she cums, still wearing my tie, she tells me she did it to get herself nice and wet for StepDaddy s dick...

(POV with no male dialogue.)

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  • 00:26:51
  • Jun 16, 2023
  • 432


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