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jackie avalon huge cock pov all the way down deepthroat facefuck and cum facial = a++

Jackie Avalon. Tags: Blowjob, Deepthroat, Dick Sucking Lips, DSLs, Facial, POV

A Throat-fuck Favorite. You know how some girls want you to make love to their throat nice and slow? Well, Jackie Avalon is the kind of girl who wants you to jam your cock down her throat hard and fast. Jackie is a tattooed beauty who has a bad girl streak a mile wide -- and that s exactly why we love her so much! When you hear her begging for some throat gagging and moaning about how much she wants cum, you ll fall in lust with her the same way we did. Her pink lips and wet tongue form the perfect mouth-pussy and the way she completely submits to her deepthroat fucking puts her on the short list of our throat-fuck favorites. We *heart* bad girls! ~Scott Hancock

  • 00:32:13
  • Jun 18, 2023
  • 147


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