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just the tip he said - immeganlive

I was relaxing all by myself in the living room, when my bf rushed in and asked me for help. I didn t know what happened or what he wanted until he told me that he was in fact very horny and needed help to drain his balls! I was really not in the mood for anything. He begged to let him fuck me..I laughed so hard. Said no. So he begged for a blowjob instead..Laughed even more..No means no, not in the mood for that either. He went on his knees and begged me and said Come on..JUST THE TIP! .. I was almost because I was laughing so hard...then I had this idea..I m going to take him by his words! He had to be careful what he wished for! So I decided to tease JUST THE TIP! He begged and begged and begged for more..He ONLY GOT THE TIP with my tongue, my tongue ring, my thumb and fingers. It didn t end up bad for up, he had what he asked for and it made him cum so hard! I counted 10 cum streams! I couldn t believe how full his balls were! He wasn t lying, it was an emergency..hahaha

  • 00:13:38
  • Nov 22, 2021
  • 119


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