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public wedgies vol. 3 - immeganlive

I was shopping at WalMart with my friend...wearing jeans and a tee shirt...everything was cool until he started to give me wedgies. Like non-stop! I was so embarrassed! Even in front and beside random people! I asked him to stop, but he wouldn t, he thought it was funny and kept saying wedgieees ! He was pulling so hard, it often looked like he was doing bicep curls pulling them! And it hurts too! I heard my panties cracking and almost break! My feet left off the floor and I almost flew in the air! I even dropped my items a couple of times! When I went down on my knees to tie one of my shoe.. I thought I d have couple of seconds of quiet! He gave me another one! In the end I didn t care anymore.. bhe even gave me a 30s one, I acted like nothing happened...didn t even care to pick up the wedgie and walked around like nothing happened...with my pantie out there showing..that last time was enough for me...I didn t care anymore! 12 huge wedgies in total...2 handed wedgies!

  • 00:12:36
  • Nov 22, 2021
  • 145


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