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no hands! look mr. professor! - immeganlive

The professor sits quietly at his desk doing some work. You are Mr. Professor through this POV. I knock at the door and come in. I forgot my homework and now I am in detention. I want to cancel it because I have better things to do like going out with my girlfriends, so I make a bet with you. I say If I can bring you to shoot your load without using my hands, we cancel the detention So you say This is not possible. So deal. Try it, you will not make it happen! Bet is on! I m going to tittyfuck your cock without touching it with my hands. Some close-ups of my face, tits and ass on your face. I will make you edge like crazy and play with my tits and lots of dirty talking! In the end, I will suck that cum right out your dick with eye contact! Yes! I won!
Tags : blowjob, bj, gagging, deepthroat, student, glasses, spitting, bbw, roleplay, drooling, dirty-talk, sloppy, big-boobs, cum-in-mouth, ass-shaking, detention, teacher-fetish, edging-games, gag-reflex

  • 00:11:16
  • Nov 22, 2021
  • 28


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