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391 black tights on sports legs (4k)

I m posing in thick nylon for you, my amazing friend. You will love the look of my beautiful, athletic legs, paired with black nylon. High heels make my legs look sleeker. The thick nylon makes my athletic calves and thighs stand out. The black, shiny tights on my legs are like a second skin. A red office skirt that hugs my hips nicely. I run my fingers, beautifully manicured, over the pantyhose. Do you hear this sound? The sound of my boundless enjoyment of nylon. The light falls on the tights so that the reflections remain in stripes on the nylon. Beautiful play of rays of light and athletic legs. I take off my shoes, showing you the feet, heels. I play with my feet on the floor. I put them on and run the shoes over my leg. I stroke my nylon legs slowly so that your gaze clings to them. Do my petite, athletic legs make you happy? Playing with pussy through tight nylon. My masturbation stimulates the appetite. Pussy is visible through shiny tight pantyhose. You see her. It gives pleas

  • 00:10:50
  • Jun 11, 2023
  • 125


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