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lock jaw: alexis golden

So I m laying in my bed at the hotel room I had rented for the week. I was in socal for some shoots I had lined up. I figured I just watch some t.v. and go get a bite to eat. I fall resting but was waken by a call from Alexis Golden. Alexis is a sexy woman who love big black cock and not shy about showing it. So I answer the phone and the first ting she says was where are you . I tell her I m in Sherman Oaks. She said she was not that far and that she wanted to come over and suck some dick before she had to go to dinner. 15 minutes later this slut is at my door.. Her and her husband comes in with a camera and she drops right to her knees. She pushes me onto the bed and her slut mouth goes to work. She love it to. She milked a nice thick load from me

  • 00:25:10
  • Sep 25, 2022
  • 319


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