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diaper disaster on a first date

I m supposed to have a date, so I m walking down the street in my pull-ups as usual. I arrived earlier and make a phone call to find out that I have to wait for him for another half an hour! Damn, I really wanted to pee at that moment! I tried to hold myself, but eventually, warm jets began to flow out of my diaper, forming a huge puddle underneath! That s fucked up! I m leaving to find some cafe, calling the guy back, and sending him a location. Having ordered coffee, I went up to the toilet and, having only taken off my pantyhose, wet my diaper again! It s great that I have a spare diaper in my bag. I hope I’m lucky enough to stay dry before he has come.

  • 00:08:37
  • Jun 06, 2023
  • 78


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