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stepmom s special anniversary present

Kymber is waiting for Junior’s Step-Dad to come home so they can go out to dinner for their anniversary. Step-Dad calls and says he’s going to be late so Step-Mom makes sure Junior is going to his friend’s house for the night.

Step-step Dad texts Kymber but doesn’t get an answer because she was pr3tending to sleep while waiting for him. Junior goes upstairs to tell her Step-Dad’s not coming home, but finds Kymber (who he thinks is sleeping) 1/2 naked in lingerie. Of course he’s a pervy stepson with a hot Step-Mom so he starts groping her. She obviously thinks it’s her husband and leaves her mask on…until she wants him to cum all over her face...
Tags. StepMom

  • 00:28:28
  • Jun 05, 2023
  • 982


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