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jade janzten diapered for wetting her pants

NOTE: This is a pretty mild video, the spanking isn t hard & the diapering isn t explicit, no closeups of open legs or anything. Just lots of admonishing & embarrassment when Kenna diapers poor Jade in front of her friend.
Jade s just waiting outside in her wet leggings when step-mother Kenna finally sees her & asks what she s doing? Kenna sees her piss pants & makes her strip down & hoses her down outside while they laugh at her. Inside, Kenna gives her a very light bare bottom slipper spanking while scolding her & her friend just happens to be there, reacting & laughing at her the whole time. Kenna says Jade will need to be diapered for 24 hrs for wetting herself yet again! Jade doesn t want to but she lies down & they wipe & diaper her with a Tranquility ATN medical diaper. It s a bit wonky... they try to straighten it out but it s still totally wonky. Then they make her put on very tight jeggings and she was a hard time struggli

  • 00:13:09
  • Jun 01, 2023
  • 675


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