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astrid gets captured. fetish movie

This is a custom video, it was made based on the script from our customer.
Almost an hour length fetish film for bondage and tickling fans, including bondage in action, toe-ties, and beautiful Astrid s and Olesya s feet.

Astrid: tight jeans, top, already barefoot
Olesya: tight jeans, top, heels, then barefoot

Details: Tying on screen with rope, big toes tied by a very thin long string. Breast-roping. Gagged as mentioned in the script.

Astrid is a young head of a firm for “house security”. Since she knows the codes, she got at home. Astrid is cleave-gagged, hands tied and already barefoot as the masked man and Olesya bring her up the staircase to the first point of their burglary-tour. It needed some persuading but they already got the first code.

Astrid is sitting on the sofa with already tied hands and legs as they take off the gag and ask her about the next security code but Astrid doesn’t say a word so they put few strips of tape over her mouth, breast-ropes her, put her on the sofa and tie her legs, hogties her, goes behind her legs ties her wriggling big toes together with a very thin long string. They leave her alone searching all the valuables and then go on with the interrogation for the next code for the house they like to “visit”.

Astrid got free from hogtie and toe-tie and tries to get to the phone as they come back. They grab her and bring her to the bedroom, her to kneel on the bed. Off the gag, he asks her again for the next code but she tells him that this was all he got. They ball-gags her, put her down on the bed. As he pulls her wriggling tied feet down to the bedframe, Astrid gets very nervous. He ties her big toes together, adds another sting and ties it to the bedframe. They start to tickle her soles but Astrid doesn’t give up so time slowly runs out and he gets pissed. He decides to take al for himself and overtakes the surprised Olesya from behind.

Olesya sits on the bed with already tied hands and legs as he puts few strips of tape over her protesting mouth, breast-ropes her, her to lie on the bed, takes off her heels and ties her feet, pulls the feet of the fighting Olesya also down to the frame. He ties her big toes together, adds another sting and ties it to the bedframe. There is still some time to tickle their soles. Olesya is furious. He leaves them alone to get the car to stash the valuables since he can’t carry all alone now.

Olesya is already free and unties Astrid. They made a deal, Olesya may keep the money and they turn him into the police. Olesya grabs her heels and they sneak barefoot down the staircase to release the silent alarm so the police will be here in 3 minutes and arrest him. Unfortunately, he can grab them at the last minute.

Astrid and Olesya are sitting on the table with already tied hands and legs, as he puts few stripes of tape over Astrid’s mouth to keep her silent, ties her feet, breast ropes her, while Olesya tells him that she sorry and she would split the money with him 30/70. Astrid rolls her eyes.
- Oh no, you wanted to turn me in!!!
He puts few strips of tape over her mouth, ties her feet, breast-ropes her. Goes to Astrid and puts her in a very tight hogtie, ties her wriggling big toes tight together. He takes Olesya puts her in a very tight hogtie, ties her wriggling big toes tight together. Short tickle to make them furious then leaves them alone.

Olesya got free from hogtie and toe-tie, hops over to take the scissors as he comes back for the final check.
- I don’t believe it!
He takes her back to the table again hogties her, ties her soles and ties her dirty big toes together. Well, that does not save enough for you I guess. Grabs another long string, ties all her toes together, also adds the sting from her tied toes to her arms. He also ties Astrid’s soles and all her toes together.
- Great now I can leave, bye bye!
He left them for final struggling.

  • 00:53:15
  • Jun 05, 2023
  • 1415


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