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jack off instructions from my hot friend alexis blaze - joi

Your best friend Alexis is hot. She is really hot, but you are just friends. She worries about you because you do not have a girlfriend and she wonders how you get yourself off. Do you just jack off or what? Maybe Alexis can help you. She is going to give you jack off instructions, so be sure to do what she says. You have actually jacked off to her many times, but now you will do it right in front of her. Clearly she knows a lot about dicks because every single thing she tells you to do makes your body tingle. In the vein of being a good friend, she removes her top and bra, but make sure that you keep jacking it. Now you are seeing her tits for the very first time and they are better than you could have imagined. Make sure that you never forget to handle your balls. Alexis shimmies off her tiny shorts and you see that she is not wearing panties. Now your best friend is naked right there in front of you. Her sexy body has you in a trance. With each stroke, you can feel the tension building up in your balls and you are almost ready to cum. Alexis counts down from 5 and when she gets to 1, she tells you to cum all over her tits. Your fat load impresses her and she even thanks you.

  • 00:07:02
  • Jun 03, 2023
  • 136


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