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even your balls are small! (with violet starr) - jerk off instructions

Do you truly believe that your little prick can satisfy sexy Violet? No way. She would laugh if you even tried to get near her with that thing. She does wonder what it would look like to see you jerk off that little thing. Go ahead. Pull it out. Oh. That s it? Even your balls are tiny. Gross. Go on and use two fingers and stroke that tiny dick. Violet cannot even understand how you would be able to fuck a girl with your little acorn of a dick. Just shut up, stroke your teeny penis, and be happy that a girl is paying you attention and showing you her boobs. As Violet plays with her pussy, she informs you that your dick is the smallest one she’s ever seen. Her big pussy lips would engulf your dick. Can you even cum with that little ball sack? Show her.

  • 00:08:46
  • Jun 29, 2023
  • 213


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