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many rude girls spit in slave s mouth and verbally humiliate him - mouth spitting femdom

Currish and boy-hating girls - Kira, Agma, Jucy and Sofi love to humiliate submissive guys. And today this group of girls has another opportunity to humiliate the submissive blond guy. Sadistic girls seated the slave on the floor, and they themselves stood over him, surrounding him, and immediately ordered the slave to open his mouth so that they spit in him. At first, a huge amount of saliva accumulated by the Mistresses flowed into the open mouth of the slave, rapidly filling it. Then Agma, Kira, Sofi, and Jucy began to spit into the slave s mouth like whipping blows. Very quickly, the slave s mouth was filled to the brim with the saliva of the impudent girls, so they ordered him to swallow all this saliva from four girls, and then began to spit into his mouth again. At the same time, rude girls accompanied their spitting with insulting and humiliating phrases towards the slave. Although the main amount of spitting fell into the mouth of the slave, but of course the entire face of th

  • 00:08:37
  • May 21, 2023
  • 302


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