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sock, feet and toe domination foot worship lezdom

Submissive lesbian Subby BB knelt down in front of two Mistresses to service their feet. On the feet of the domineering girls Agma and Jucy are wearing socks that they have been wearing for more than a day, so they are very dirty. Now the slave girl must smell the dirty socks by smelling them and kissing them on the orders of the Mistresses. Two dominant girlfriends like to humiliate a slave girl because they feel their importance and greatness over another such girl. Agma and Jucy then took off their socks and ordered the submissive bitch to lick their bare feet and worship them. But easy serving and worship came to an end because Mistress Sofi joined in what was happening, who was in the mood for a tougher domination over the slave girl. Sofi took the slave by the hair and roughly began to put her mouth on the toes of Agma and Jucy at the same time, so Sofi turned a light foot worship lezdom into a hard foot gagging lezdom of two feet of different girls at once. Then the sadistic Mis

  • 00:09:52
  • May 20, 2023
  • 423


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