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bj on a bus

So every now and then i get a sudden urge to do something crazy, unfortunatly when i get that sudden urge i never have my cameraman around so none of you guys get to see what it is. So i decided to give you guys a treat...ive been getting alota emails from you guys about doing things in public places so i figured id give you what you wanted. I was however silly enough to think i could give a bj on a bus without being seen. Boy was i wrong...the funny thing is that when it was over i thought i did get away with it except for one dude who saw and actually took a picture of me and my friend angel in the act on his phone camera, but it turns out as i was getting off the bus i got a standing ovation from everyone on the bus...they all saw me but didnt say anything!!! how cool was that. I have to admit i was a bit embarrassed especially when the bus driver asked me for my number on the way out...all in all this is one exciting installment for you guys enjoy it!

  • 00:00:00
  • Oct 08, 2006
  • 113


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