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my stepsister likes my tiny dick (with trillium) - jerk off instructions

Trillium heard from her friends that your dick is rather small. You assume that your step sister is going to make fun of you, but things take a decidedly different turn. She confesses to you that she thinks a smaller dick might be better for many reasons. She wants to know if what she heard and saw is accurate, so can you let her see your dick for herself? Maybe Trillium can help you feel better about your situation. Just take your dick out and let her see it. You are ready for whatever comments she has and you whip it out. She asks if it can get any larger and she wants to you stroke it to see how much it might grow. Oh, do you need a little help? Trillium lets you see her tiny boobs and she sees that your dick grows a little bit. She also lets you know that a big cum load would definitely make up for a smaller dick and then she slides off her tiny denim shorts. Through her panties she touches herself. Then she tells you that she knows that you have been using her dirty panties to jer

  • 00:09:05
  • Jun 14, 2023
  • 142


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