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keep stroking your little clitty (with star nine) - jerk off instructions

Star knows why you want to talk to her, but she wants you to say it out loud. You tell her and she actually laughs out loud at you. You are so pathetic. Show Star your dick. You do. Again, she howls at your truly pathetic cock and then she tells you to use just two fingers to masturbate. Your little clitty fails to impress and you swear to Star that it will grow once you get hard. To try to get as much out of your little thing as possible, she strips to her bodysuit. If that does not make your dick grow, nothing will. You must be gay. Why did you even ask her out in the first place? Ugh. Just shut up and keep stroking that little nub. Star verbally humiliates you as she mocks your two-finger jerk off technique. You are a loser, but she delights in teasing you. She is now totally naked and she challenges you to get your dick hard enough to fuck her, though you both know that will never happen. You find that you are really enjoying her taunts. Can you at least prove that you can cum?! You are a total disappointment and Star suggests that you just stick to watching porn instead of trying to get with a girl in real life. Loser!

  • 00:08:16
  • May 31, 2023
  • 138


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