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brandi piece theater

Hey guys, so this week I decided to present Brandi Piece Theater. This week’s story is about a boy that has a fear of pubic speaking, so when his teacher asks him to read his report on the American Revolution in front of the class he comes across a few complications. I personally enjoyed this story because I could relate to the fear of speaking in public but what I can’t relate to is what happened to this poor boy he had a massive hard on while he walked up to the front of the class. lol I was shocked when I saw that but intrigued as to what would happen next. In a way I felt it was kind of hot to watch a helpless boy in front of a class of vicious girls just laughing at his massive boner. Hehe, well see how this story unwinds and what happens to this poor boy. See ya later!

  • 00:00:00
  • Feb 23, 2009
  • 1835


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