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negotiating a bigger allowance with my pervy stepdad (with scarlett sage)

Your stepdaughter found something on your laptop and it bothers her. Why were you watching age differene porn? You are so gross. She thinks that this is a good opportunity to negotiate a bigger allowance if you want your dirty porn secret to stay a secret. You quickly realize you are at her mercy and she commands you to get your dick out. Don t just sit there! Play with that cock. Scarlett kind of thinks watching you jack off is hot. She lowers her shorts and asks you if you want to put a load on her ass. Scarlett is your stepdaughter, but she keeps calling herself your step-daughter. Her very small tits are perfect and you wish you could touch her. You keep your hands firmly on your hard cock, but you think about touching her. It surprises you that she has a bush, but it also turns you on. You soon pump out a fat load and you realize that your dirty stepdaughter is also an expert negotiator.

  • 00:08:42
  • May 13, 2023
  • 168


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