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nyomi banxxx s strip tease

Nyomi Banxxx came to my apartment today; she told me she had a surprise for me. When I saw her she was dressed in this tiny-tiny revealing outfit. Nyomi began to dance for me, caressing her skin, and her body. She touched herself, and fondled her own breasts. Nyomi began to gyrate her hips in a very sexy fashion back and forth, bouncing her ass, and letting the roundness envelope my thoughts. She moved really well, like a real stripper, without her pole she improvised some moves that made me stiff in my pants. Nyomi s piercing eyes were enough to reveal her true intentions. She wanted to fuck me. I licked Nyomi s pussy while she moved her body, and it was succulently pleasant, as I felt her pussy juice dripping from her pussy lips in to my mouth. I lapped her up with my tongue. After I made her cum the first time she sucked my cock and massaged it with her own tongue. I was so hard; I had to stop her before I prematurely burst white hot liquid into her mouth. That’s when I fucked her good on the couch, and then I took the sexy adventure to my king sized bed. We fucked so good I had her on all fours, and she fucked me sideways (literally) , when I was done I splashed on her face, and watched her as she was covered in my cum. This episode is Definitely worth watching.

  • 00:00:00
  • Jun 26, 2008
  • 395


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