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big meat for valentina so sweet

Valentina is a such a good daughter. She has made a snack for her blind daddy and leads him to the table. As he enjoys his food, a masked intruder comes in through the sliding door. Valentina is alarmed at first, but when he removes the mask she recognizes that is Jason and she is happy that he is here along with his big black cock. With her father still at the table, she whips out Jason’s dong and sucks it real good. He then bends her over the table and fucks her as the dad keeps eating, unaware of what is going on. Finally, Valentina sends him off to nap so she can concentrate on getting fucked. It’s difficult to keep the noise down as she gets it in the pussy and then her asshole.

  • 00:30:09
  • Jan 06, 2018
  • 670


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