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lena paul makes a sextape

Lena Paul came home from jogging to find her man playing with a new camera. Of course he couldn’t resist using it to film her getting ready for her shower. Who wouldn’t want footage of her gorgeous all natural body? Luckily for us, she wasn’t shy about letting him film her in the shower. She actually put on a show by soaping up and shaking her fat ass and huge tits. By huge I mean a DDD cup. Then she oiled her whole body while giving even more of a show. Next thing you know, she drops to her knees on the bathroom floor to suck her man’s dick. Then it was off to the bedroom for some serious fucking. She got her hairy pussy, mouth, and tits fucked pretty hard, and she loved it. You can even see her legs give out and shake from cuming. I’m sure after all of that she had another shower. Especially since she had a face covered in cum. Maybe there’s another video.

  • 00:43:21
  • Nov 09, 2016
  • 653


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