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abdl audio fantasy constance library diaper change

Constance explains that she loves you as her adult boyfriend but today is ageplay day and you ll be her big adult BB in pampers. She s taking you to the library to find new books and starts talking to librarian D-perv & does a quickie diaper check. You re looking at books when you make a fart... but Constance knows it s more than just a fart... it s usually followed by a messy in your adult diaper! The librarian is very shocked and even more shocked when your abdl- asks her to help change you in the restroom. the Librarian just wants to get your stinky butt out of the general library area so she agrees. It s a nice, realistic paced and very descriptive diaper change inside the ladies bathroom by your doting GF Constance & a shocked librarian. at the end Constance is excited to get back to the library while D-Perv chats with her co-worker about this weird AB who messed his diaper in the library
Tags : audio, diaper, mp3, abdl, diapers, diapered, cgl

  • 00:10:47
  • Nov 30, 2021
  • 89


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