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abdl mommy vika breastfeeding and diaper cumming

ABDL-Mommy Vika comes in at night to check your very full wet diapers. it s time for a diapee change before bedtime. She expertly changes you into a new fresh one after patting powder onto all your parts and puts you in a cute tshirt for bed. Then you snuggle up with mommy for a bottle and storytime but you re super restless Vika knows you like suckling on her boobies the best. She keeps reading as you suckle on her nipple and then her hands wander down to your diapers where she notices how hard you are! She s going to keep rubbing the front of your diapers until you make a nice sticky explosion in there! She s so sweet, loving and matter of fact about all of it. She kisses you good night and loves you very much! She ll be there in the morning to check on you
Tags : breastfeeding, diaper, abdl, diapers, breast-feeding, cgl

  • 00:09:44
  • Oct 12, 2021
  • 823


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