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whitney morgan wetting her spandex outside in public

It s just not Whitneys day today... she went on a jog, wearing tight spandex leggings with visible panty lines, and she downed way too much water right beforehand. How did she even manage to jog this far? Now she s super desperate to pee; she stops, crosses her legs and has to grab her crotch tightly... how embarassing! I hope no one saw that... it doesn t help that cars are driving by... and now she needs to pee so badly she can t even stand up straight! Oh no! a leak just spurted out.... she leans against a tree and a stream of piss just gushes out onto her white sneakers and making a small puddle.... how humiliating, she can t even hold her bladder. The pee streaks show up nice and dark on her light spandex. She loses control and pee just loudly gushing out all over her feet, shoes and everywherefter
Tags : pissing, pee, peeing, wetting, omorashi, ineed2pee, female-desperation, pee-desperation

  • 00:13:31
  • Sep 26, 2021
  • 109


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