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red august peeing her pants in class omorashi wetting

Red August (Littleredbottom) is so desperate to use the facilities but she still has 15 minutes of test time. Lots of fidgeting and squirming but she decides to give it a shot & ask the teacher out of desperation. She s denied bathroom priviledges which is so mortifying to have all the other students know that she needs to pee... how embarrassing. More fidgeting and some HARD crotch grabs but it s too late, it s already pouring out!! it s very loud as streams of pee flow from her chair & hit the floor... like LOUD! The look on her face is fantastic and she even starts when the teacher comes over to investigate the dripping sounds and sees her HUGE pee puddle underneath! She tells the other student to move the desk away from her pee and asks her to stand up to see the damage! So now everyone sees her piss pants! She still has a few more test questions so the teacher just makes her sit back down
Tags : pissing, pee, piss, peeing, wetting, omo, omorashi, female-desperation

  • 00:08:17
  • Sep 02, 2021
  • 200


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