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abdl audio fantasy messy diaper blowout at playdates

Your abdlmummy Constance is taking you over to D-pervs house where she has two AB girls so you can all play together as the ab-mummys chat. It s pretty nerve wracking going somewhere new but also playing with two cute padded girls as well! It s so embaressing getting diaper checked in front of 3 new people! You hope that tummy rumbling from lunch goes away... but it doesn t. You try to let out a fart but the mummys smell it.. who farted? You whisper to Constance that you need to go #2 and she encourages you to hold it until you find the bathroom. as you re both on your way to the bathroom (why is it so far away!?) you can t hold the backside and it explodes LOUDLY into your already soaked diaper! THe girls are laughing! D-perv suggests that since you did both #1 AND #2, that you do #3 in there as well, the whole trifecta! In front of the ABgirls!? THey giggling as mummy rubs the front of your diaper & shows/explains to D-perv how you like to make stickies in there
Tags : diape

  • 00:15:36
  • Jan 22, 2021
  • 69


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