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kitty quinn pisses her skin tight jeans pee desperation

After a night out in her skin tight jeans, Kitty crashes on the couch but wakes up to a horrible prank! Her GF has put a LOCK on her BELT and hid the key somewhere in the room! WIll she frantcially find the key in time to NOT totally piss her skintight jeans? and to make it worse, she needs to go #2 as well! that s usually how it is when she wakes up in the morning... it s so hard to keep both ends in, pee & brown mess but she s clenching & grabbing her crotch and butt tightly! As soon as she finds the key, a look of horror comes over her face as she loses control of her bladder, totally pissing her sexy tight jeans & filling her designer pink flats! what a relief! Then she peels off her pissed jeans to show her VS Pink cotton panties & regales us all with a funny real life wetting story from her past while she tries to twerk in her wet panties & shows her pissy wet feet too!
Tags : pissing, pee, wetting, omorashi, ineed2pee, pee-desperation

  • 00:13:12
  • Jan 17, 2021
  • 215


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