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bella rossi vs straitjacket pants pissing

Cheyenne Jewel decides to get back at Bella Rossi for tying her up and making her piss her tight jeans from a couple weeks ago. She asks Bella to try out a new straitjacket for an upcoming shoot and refuses to release her from it when she finds out Bella needs to pee badly! Instead, Cheyenne just teases and laughs at her, revealing her reason... so that she can watch Bella struggle and then hopefully wet herself too! well, Cheyenne doesn t need to wait long before Bella starts wetting herself and her pee is flying everywhere as she kicks it around! SO humiliating for Bella as her friend laughs! Then it s the behind the scenes, showing her light yellow full backed cotton panties that are now opaque!

  • 00:10:37
  • May 01, 2023
  • 309


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