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wife ami cuckolds and sissifies your diapered cock

You come home and your wife Ami is in the bedroom with an entire spread of ABDL & girly things! It s literally everything you had seen in the sissy, made to wear diaper porn you secretly look at online. It seems like Ami found your entire browsing history and made it all into reality! She outlines your new life, your lil cock LOCKED in a pink chastity cage, diapered ALL the time and made to do everything in them! She finally confesses that you don t get her off & she has a date with a real man tonight. So she puts you in the pink cage, sissy diaper and pink sissy dress as well as a pacifier gag while she details your new life going forward. She swings the chastity key in front of your face, taunting you that you ll be wetting your diaper while she gets fucked and who knows.... maybe she ll bring him home so her new diaper girl can get used... AMI is VERY GOOD at the verbal teasing and the sound is amazing on this one
Tags : diaper, abdl, diaper-fetish

  • 00:14:57
  • Dec 17, 2020
  • 73


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