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abdl delays your messy stinky diaper

Your loving sweet wife turned abdl- for the month comes into the room while talking to her friend, explaining that for your birthday month, she s treating you like the adult- you are & you re only on day 2. She talks about the rules, diapers 24/7 no exceptions. She checks you diaper & it s still dry. she smells something... probably a fart. She tidies up the nursery and plays toys with you. You shyly tell you her need to mess, so she tells you to mess your diaper! Ohhhh, you were asking permission to use the toilet! oh no sweetie, babies don t use the toilet... their toilet is their tight cushy thick diaper! She goes to get your dinner & in the meantime you can t hold your bowels and it comes out into your diaper! You hope momma doesn t smell it. She comes in with dinner and immediately.. P.U.!! Whoa, she can tell you unloaded 2 days worth of brown mess into your diaper.
Tags : fetish, diaper, ageplay, abdl, diapers, diaper-lover, messy-diaper

  • 00:09:53
  • Jul 29, 2020
  • 142


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