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sexting the ceo

I m a super busy Clothing Mogul and I don’t have time for games. One of my “employees”, Isabella just won’t get the hint and leave me alone. It’s so frustrating, I mean you bang someone a couple times and the next thing their demanding to be the next “Model” ! She was annoying the hell out of me until she started sending me nude pics. I figured it was time for her “Performance Review” and called her in. I wanted to reprimand her but all I could think about was smashing that spicy Latin Taco of hers. Might as well get another free ad and blow off some stress, it’s really a win win for everyone involved. I fucked Isabella all over my office and gave her just what she deserved, a hot load on that imported face. That’s my idea of Immigration Reform. As I ve always said, Legalize Porn.

  • 00:23:15
  • Jul 14, 2014
  • 166


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