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abdl audio only roleplay from adult to diapers

-First part is her talking to her aged son. She asks how his day was and says that he seems stressed, teasing that he wasn t this stressed when he was a little boy, running around in his diapers
-Second part, she wakes him up from a nap, She made him his favorite, which is something like spagghetios or dinosaur chicken nuggets. She asks him about school and his favorite things, but as she goes, the things get more and more She brushes off his confusion and tells him to take a bath before bed.
-Third part is in the bathroom. His ABmom comes in, shes there to help him with his bath. taking off his pants, that his spiderman underoos are wet. She giggles, saying that maybe he left training pants too early. She then sets him in the bath, teasing him about his little peepee and how he will be a big man one day. At the end, she lifts him out and puts him in disney pull up trainers
-Final part
Tags : ageplay, abdl, diapers, regression, diaper-fetish

  • 00:20:14
  • May 05, 2020
  • 109


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